Decora Smart products are designed to change the color by replacing the face with an inexpensive color change kit. Simply remove the faceplate and switch the face.
Decora Smart Switch Color Change Kits
- DDKIT-012-0SW = White
- DDKIT-018-0ST = Light Almond
- DDKIT-011-0SI = Ivory
- DDKIT-015-0SE = Black
- DDKIT-016-0SB = Brown
- DDKIT-014-0SG = Grey
Decora Smart Dimmer Color Change Kits
- DDKIT-002-00W = White
- DDKIT-008-00T = Light Almond
- DDKIT-001-00I = Ivory
- DDKIT-005-00E = Black
- DDKIT-006-00B = Brown
- DDKIT-004-00G = Grey
Decora Smart Receptacle Color Change Kits
- DSRKT-001-1PW = White
- DSRKT-002-1PT = Light Almond
- DSRKT-003-1PI = Ivory
- DSRKT-004-1PE = Black
- DSRKT-005-1PB = Brown
- DSRKT-006-1PG= Gray
Decora Smart 4-Button Controller Color Change Kits
- DS4KT-001-1PW = White
- DS4KT-002-1PT = Light Almond
- DS4KT-003-1PI = Ivory
- DS4KT-004-1PE = Black
- DS4KT-005-1PB = Brown
- DS4KT-006-1PG= Gray
All color change kits are available though Leviton Distributors, retailers or the Leviton on-line store.