Upgrading a Leviton Load Center to include 2nd Gen Smart Circuit Breakers with Remote Control can be accomplished one circuit at a time or all breakers all at once. Installation is flexible and mixing Smart and non-Smart in the same panel is part of the design. Just install the Leviton Whole Home Energy Monitor (LWHEM) on a dedicated non-Smart double pole breaker. This should be done by a licensed electrician. To transition a Leviton Load Center to Smart does not require a change to the enclosure. Once the LWHEM is installed, configuration occurs using the free My Leviton app which is available in the Google Play or Apple Store. The pairing process is quick and easy.
Articles in this section
- How many Smart Breakers can I connect to an LWHEM?
- How Can I Use A Leviton Smart Load Center To Manage My Energy Consumption?
- Which Smart Breakers Are Compatible With The LDATA and LWHEM?
- Is My LWHEM compatible with Breaker Panels Other Than The Leviton Load Center?
- How accurately can the circuit breakers and Current Transformers measure energy consumption?
- How Do I make My Leviton Load Center Smart?
- Can Leviton Load Center breakers be remotely turned On and Off?
- Does the LWHEM or LDATA, require its own breaker?
- Considerations For A Leviton Load Center Service Change
- Connecting an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) To A Leviton Whole Home Energy Monitor (LWHEM)