If a schedule is not running at the designated time, it may be because the Decora Smart Wi-Fi device has the incorrect time.
- First try: Entering or Re-entering the Residence Address: https://decorasmartsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017962454-Schedule-not-Running-Enter-or-Re-enter-Residence-Address
- If it is still not working properly, it may be necessary to remove the existing Residence and create a new Residence so that the Decora Smart devices can the correct time for their location.
Make certain all devices are running the latest firmware:
- Check the Updates icon on the home screen
- If any devices are in need of updating, complete the update prior to the next step, factory default.
Restore each Decora Smart Wi-Fi Device back to factory default:
With the devices restored to factory default delete the current residence:
- Choose the menu button in the lower right corner and then Residence Settings. Choose Delete Residence.
- With the devices and residence deleted you will be prompted to setup the residence Start by entering the name.
- In the next step, you are prompted to enter the location of the Residence. The location information is used to set the correct time zone and calculate sunrise/sunset times for the Decora Smart devices. If you were experiencing issues with schedules you should not use your phone location information, instead enter the address manually including the zip code. Do not skip the location information or you will not be able to create any automation schedules.
Setting Up the Location:
Select I'll enter it Manually to manually enter your location
- With the residence reset, next add your devices to the residence.
- https://decorasmartsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008844173-Add-a-Decora-Smart-Wi-Fi-Device-to-the-My-Leviton-App
Now, create a test schedule and see if it runs at the designated time.