Step 1:
Download and install My Leviton for your mobile device: Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Download the My Leviton app
Step 2:
Open the My Leviton app and select Sign up.
Step 3:
Fill out all of the fields, read and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by selecting the checkbox, and press the Sign up button.
Step 4:
Check your email for the validation email from My Leviton.
Once you have received the validation email, open it and select Verify Your Email to confirm the account.
You should see the message Your email has been verified.
When the verification email is received 'Continue' will turn green allowing you to proceed to step 5
Step 5:
Name your residence and press Continue.
Step 6:
In the next step, you are prompted to enter the location of the Residence. The location information is used to set the correct time zone and calculate sunrise/sunset times for the Decora Smart devices. You can use your phone location information, enter the address manually, enter only the zip code, or skip the location information. If you select to skip the location information you will not be able to create any automation schedules. You can always add or change the location information at any time by modifying the Residence Settings from the menu.
Setting Up the Location:
Press Get My Location to use your mobile device's Location Service to determine the current location.
Verify your current location and select Yes.
If the displayed location is not correct, select I'll enter it Manually to manually enter your location
Step 7:
Once the address is confirmed you will be prompted to add devices to the location.
Step 8:
You have now completed adding your first Residence to My Leviton. If you would like to proceed with adding your Decora Smart Wi-Fi devices, select Add a Device and proceed to the Add a Decora Smart Wi-Fi Device to the My Leviton App instructions.
You can also choose to enroll your devices later by selecting Skip this step for now.