This article describes the process for updating firmware in 1st and 2nd Gen Smart Breakers installed in a Leviton Smart Load Center. All breaker updates are coordinated through the LWHEM or LDATA. To begin the process, follow the update process found in Checking and Updating Firmware on Decora Smart® Wi-Fi Devices. Once the LWHEM or LDATA is updated follow the instructions below to update breakers. Please note that breaker updates do not occur often and new breaker firmware does not occur with every LWHEM or LDATA update.
Updating Individual Circuit Breakers
- From the Device Screen (Lightbulb Icon) scroll to the bottom and choose the Load Center Icon
- In the Load Center screen choose Panel
- Scroll to the breaker to check firmware
- Choose Device Health
- The firmware revision is shown in the device Health Screen. All breakers will have BLE Firmware and breakers with AFCI and/or GFCI Protection will also have Protection Firmware. If a revision number is shown then the firmware is up to date. If Update Available is shown then pressing the message will initiate the update process.
When Update Available is pressed, choose OKAY to complete the process.