The My Leviton app gives homeowners the ability to manage their home’s energy usage and monitor the Leviton Smart Load Center through their smartphones, tablets or desktops. To see whole home energy consumption please see the article What Is the My Leviton Dashboard Whole Home Energy Usage Widget and How Do I Use It? After establishing overall energy goals, it is useful to view each Smart Breaker's historical consumption information. This information can be found in the Panel View.
The LWHEM Whole Home Energy View:
- From the Device Screen (Lightbulb Icon) scroll to the bottom and choose the Load Center Icon
- Based on the LWHEM configuration your interface may show different combination of icons including grid power, solar, wind or generator production, or battery storage.
- For bi-directional power options like grid or storage, the lines will show the current state of consumption or production
- The interface shows the amount of net energy you are currently consuming or producing from all of the sources
- Choose the Panel option to enter the Panel View
The Panel View:
- The Panel View shows all of the Smart Breakers
- Each Smart breaker you can see the real time current draw in Watts
- A breaker can appear with a yellow dashed boarder and yellow numbers - Gen 2 turned Off
- A black dashed boarder with red numbers - Breaker is tripped and must be manually restored
- When operating normal a Smart breaker will have green numbers and no boarder
Breaker History:
- Choose a Smart Breaker
Smart Breaker Control:
Each Smart Breaker can be manually controlled. If the breaker is Gen 1 it can be tripped (requires a manual reset) and if it is a Gen 2 it can be turned on or off. For more information on breaker compatibility please read the article Which Smart Breakers Are Compatible With The LDATA and LWHEM?.
Gen 2 Smart Breakers can be turned on or off:
Gen 1 Smart Breakers can be manually tripped:
The History View:
The History view is designed to help you determine areas you can target to save energy. The view is broken into three time periods and each section can be viewed as consumption shown as kWh or a cost estimate based on average utility cost provided in Dashboard setup. For information on setting up the cost estimate and billing period, please refer to the article What Is the My Leviton Dashboard Whole Home Energy Usage Widget and How Do I Use It?
The Year view shows consumption for each month:
The Billing Cycle shows the current month, with the start and end date determined by the billing date configured in the Dashboard view.:
The Week view shows today and the past six days:
LWHEM CT History:
- When using CTs attached to the LWHEM you can choose the icon to access configuration and historical information. Note, the LDATA does not have a CT option
- Choose Grid
Similar to the breaker views, each CT's history can be show over the past year, billing cycle or week.